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How to add a new match

Obrázek autora: Planchet TrackerPlanchet Tracker

Learn how to add a new match in Planchet Tracker and enter details about actions and hits to get your fencing performance statistics. You can do it in several easy steps.

In one of the previous posts, the main screens and navigation menu of the app were described. So you probably know there are 2 ways how to add a new match:

You can either:

(1) press the (+) Add a new match round button, or

(2) press the + MATCH icon in the bottom navigation bar.

Any of these actions will take you to a New match screen. Once there, enter the following details of the match:

Athlete left (Name of the athlete on the left side.)*

Athlete right (Name of the athlete on the right side)

Weapon type (Choose from Foil/Épée/Sabre options)

Match type (Choose between Training and Tournament match)

Phase type (in your choice was Tournament, select btw Pool and Elimination phase)

Date and time

The screen looks like this:

*In Free and Athlete version of the app, you are set up as an Athlete left by default. If you need to change it for a match to track, simply press Swap to exchange names of Athlete left and Athlete right.

Then, press the orange START button to move to the Match screen.

Once you are in Match section, focus on Offense/Defense/Riposte actions that preceed each point achieved in the match. First press L, or R to indicate who started the Offense: Left (L), or Right (R) Athlete? Or was it Simultane (0)?

This is how the Match screen looks like:

Next, in the screen of Offense, select the offensive maneuvre from options on the list and press it. What type of action was it? Read this article about actions that are available in Planchet Tracker app to learn more.

The Offense screen with options for actions looks like this:

Then, in the screen of Defense, select the defensive action that followed (if any) and press the option:

Then, in case the Defense action was not Malparry, select which of Riposte actions followed in the match as a reaction from the defending fencer.

The action that leads to a point takes you to the Hit on the left or Hit on the right screen with a body map. Press the area of the body that was touched with the successful hit.

Each of the weapons has its own body map with specific active areas where hits can be indicated.

Once you have pressed the body part, you are taken back to the Match screen. The match score gets updated and you can continue to add another sequence of actions.

Once you are done with adding details for the match, press Finish in the top right corner.

This brings you to a Finish match screen. You can press one of the emoticons there to rate the match, and/or add your own comments or important notes for the future.

Press Save button to save the match. Since that moment, the match will be stored in the History section. You can see the match listed among other saved matches when you press the first icon on the bottom navigation bar.

As well, you can view cummulative statistics of the match (or any other of the saved matches in History). Press any of the matches listed in the History section to display Match overview screen with details. The app will display statistical summary of the match:

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